Tuesday 8 January 2013

Days 2,3 and 4!

Day Two
Lower Body Max Effort Workout

Box Squat     7sets x 5reps (increasing weight with each set)
  1. 40kg
  2. 50kg
  3. 70kg
  4. 80kg
  5. 90kg
  6. 105kg
  7. 60kg
As far as exercises go I enjoy squatting usually, but again found it difficult this time without a spotter. Feel as though I may not make as much gains as I would like as I was only working between 70-90% of my maximum work rate. 

Dumbbell Reverse Lunge     5sets x 12reps
  1. 16kg
  2. 16kg
  3. 16kg
  4. 20kg
  5. 20kg
I used two kettle bells for this.

Barbell Romanian Deadlifts     5sets x12reps
  1. 40
  2. 60
  3. 70
  4. 80
  5. 80
Hyper Extensions     5sets x 12reps
(as stated)

Plank     3sets x 30seconds
(as stated)

Day Three
Upper Body Hypertrophy Workout
Early morning gym session 6.30am start

Front Squat     3sets x 8reps
  1. 40kg
  2. 60kg
  3. 50kg
Found it really difficult as I need to strengthen my core and do some more deep core work as well as really stretch my forearms and wrist flexors beforehand. I opted for the "arms-across-the-chest" method rather gripping the bar itself as it was too painful for my forearms. This is something I will work on throughout the next few weeks.

Inclined Barbell Bench Press     5sets x 10reps
  1. 30kg
  2. 40kg
  3. 60kg
  4. 70kg
  5. 70kg
Inclined Dumbbell Fly     5sets x 12reps
  1. 16kg
  2. 16kg
  3. 16kg
  4. 14kg
  5. 14kg
Superset With

Inclined Dumbbell Bench Press 5sets x 8reps
  1. 20kg
  2. 16kg
  3. 16kg
  4. 14kg
  5. 14kg

Low to High Cable Fly     3 drop sets of 8, 10 and then 12 reps
  1. 30kg, 20kg, 15kg
  2. 35kg, 20kg, 15kg
  3. 30kg, 20kg, 15kg

Weighted Press-ups     3sets x 10reps

Due to a lack of a weighted vest and a training partner to help me out by burdening me somehow I adapted the sets and did 4sets x15reps.
  1. 5 wide, 5 standard, 5 "heart-to-heart" X 4
Favourite work out day so far. It was followed by a dinner of smoked salmon with steamed rice and vegetables. I was told today that the important work comes in the kitchen in the time that I'm not in the gym. I realise how important nutrition is and I'm planning a few days in advance now before training.
I also had a MMA class for 2 hours in the evening which consisted of and hour of Muay Thai followed by Sambo Wrestling.

Day Four
Upper Body Hypertrophy Workout

Goblet Squat       3sets x 12reps
  1. 24kg
  2. 24kg
  3. 24kg

Seated Military Press (using barbell)      5sets x 10reps
  1. 40kg
  2. 40kg
  3. 30kg
  4. 30kg
  5. 45kg (Standing)

Dumbbell Lateral Raise       5sets x 15reps
  1. 8kg
  2. 8kg
  3. 10kg
  4. 10kg
  5. 8kg
Superset With

Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press      5sets x 10reps
  1. 18kg
  2. 16kg
  3. 14kg
  4. 14kg
  5. 14kg

Dumbbell Front Raises      3 drop sets of 8, 10 and 12reps
  1. 12kg - 6reps, 10kg - 8reps, 8kg - 10reps
  2. 12kg - 6reps, 10kg - 10reps, 8kg - 12reps
  3. 12kg - 8reps, 10kg - 9reps, 8kg -12reps
The front raises nearly killed me. I just about got it by the last set.

Single Arm Reverse Cable Fly (bent over)      5sets x 12reps

  1. 5kg
  2. 5kg
  3. 5kg
  4. 5kg
  5. 5kg

After training today I was in a little bit of pain. Slight fear of over training as the programme is paired with my usual MMA training. I will specify where I have been to classes and therefore may have dropped a set or two during training the next day. I'm not one to possibly cut short early or drop a set, so I don't plan on doing it often. But after a two hour session of taking a pounding in class it may not necessarily be a want but a need to.
Dinner cheered me up somewhat though, here's my Jamie Oliver bit:
Home cooked chicken breasts dry fried, with salt and pepper seasoning, a few drops of chill sauce.
Steamed vegetables.
Plain Noodles.
Fresh orange juice with a spoonful of creatine powder.
With a banana, kiwi and hazelnut yoghurt for pudding :)

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."—Epictetus
Night Everyone! 

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